Vehicles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Status: Ongoing.

With the assistance of our partners from Lviv in Europe, 4 vehicles have been purchased and delivered to our soldiers. In particular, 2 vehicles for the needs of the 4th Separate Tank Brigade - a fully equipped Renault ambulance from Slovakia and a Hyundai SUV (off-road vehicle). Both vehicles have been in service since the arrival, one - rescuing the wounded, and the other - ensuring the mobility of the special unit.  A complete ambulance Wolksvagen was also delivered, which enhanced the mobility of medics of the anti-aircraft missile regiment. So the health of the defenders of Kharkiv sky is in safe hands and they will continue to hurt Russian missiles, planes and drones.

 As for the fourth vehicle, a Mitsubishi SUV, it performs work at unknown locations, which we will never know about. The only thing we know is that it does it well). 


All vehicles underwent thorough maintenance before being transferred to the units.

Currently, we are accumulating funds to purchase 4th Tank Brigade all-wheel drive buses for various combat missions. The project is ongoing, because, unfortunately, cars in war are consumables, and despite the constant efforts of the entire volunteer community, there is still an acute shortage of all types of vehicles on the front line.

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